Thursday, September 29, 2011


Injectable are treating me nicely.. but I bet if I do them again I will start a higher dose.. I'm growing the eggs nice and slow.. my e2 is slowly rising.. I up my dose from a 1/2 an amp of Bravelle to a while vial tonight.. then after that either 37.5 iu or 75 iu Gonal-f depending on my e2 results on saturday or wait till monday.. Argh. Will have to go in Saturday anyways for an u/s, I guess a few ladies will have to also just gotta find out when (they will call tomorrow).

I wish I was responding a little faster.. Looks like i'll have a mid-week IUI I was kinda hoping to avoid.. we were like so right on track for a Monday IUI as far as cycle days goes... Of course you know it never works the way you want it too.. I hope this upped dose gets the follies where they need to be faster! One of the ladies on my board stimmed for 5 WEEKS before her first IUI. Yikes! I dunno if I can afford that! (thank god for free Bravelle, Crinone, and Gonal-f!!!!!!!!)

Ugh.. I'm getting stuffy :( I forsee mucinex in my future.. and its payday.. THANK GOD.. I need groceries BAD. So tired.. should made appt for later.. Don't have to be to work till 2 *yawn* I HATE being tired at work and right now its slow it makes it that much worse.. and trying to stay away from caffiene.. Not easy. Well gotta go.. there was more i was gonna write but my right eyebrow keeps twitching and its annoying and i'm tired...


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