Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well the witch showed up yesterday.. Why is is that sex always does the trick? Seriously.. when I want my period to come.. Just have sex!

Well anyways.. CD 3 u/s and blood work is Friday.. at 945am.. Yikes! Here we go.. I'm SO not ready.. needles.. every night in my belly? I'm good thanks! I really hope she will tell me I can do it when I get home from work.. and not have to drag it around with me. Plus..the thought of giving myself a shot.. Not fun. Plus I don't wanna drive back and fourth.. but we have to.. at least I think hahah! Haven't got that far in the cycle yet...

Please lord let all be right with my body and not go all wonky.. and go perfect like our very first cycle and give us our miracle!!! The Holidays being pregnant would be awesome :) specially letting everyone know we are having our first munchkin 3 years in the making! Please Please!


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