Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ok... long weekend!

SO My long weekend started while I was at work on Sunday... Danny text me at like 9:30 said he was on his way to hospital because he got hit in the head with a trash can lid? How the hell do you get hit in the head with a trash can lid? I was certianly perplexed... So then.. his Mom texts me.. WTF!? No I don't think so... She asks me how he is doing I said I don't know i'm going after I get off work. And then she says she is on her way there.. I was very pissed and upset. I haven't talked to you in almost a year and you think I'm gonna start now? I haven't forgotten what you said to me or think of me! Yeah I was pretty pissed... So I finally get off. Mind you weather crappy been snowing all day.. and I have to drive to the hospital. OH and the state of colorado let my husband DRIVE while he was dizzy with a head injury!!! So.. I get to the hospital.. the entire 1 1/2 I was there I hardly looked at her.. and she acted like nothing was wrong or ever happened!

Well he had a CT scan.. everything was ok.. and come to find out it was a DUMPSTER lid hahah well that made more sense.. It was covered in ice and it slipped out of his hands.. nice goose egg :) So that changed the plans for monday.. since we didn't get home and in bed till about 2. We were going to take Bailey back to my moms.. well weather still hadn't cleared up, so I told my mom we weren't coming up didn't wanna risk and accident and Danny had a nice headache from last night. So then we had to go to the workmans comp dr that afternoon.. He couldn't drive.. well I wouldn't let him cause the light hurt his eyes. So.. Dr didnt' say much.. gave him 800 mg motrin... Life was good.

Tuesday.. we wait a while around the house and then head to my moms danny is feeling fine all night, get home go to bed.. Danny gets up to go to Sonic, his part-time job... I was all rearing and ready to work out.. and Danny calls.. Thought he was just bored on break, nope having really bad dizzy spells and neausa... SO he was back off to the Dr. Then he calls I have to go get him and take him to an eye specialist too make sure everything is ok there.. So I had to call off work.. thats ok! Waited at the Dr for like and Hour and a half.. good lord. Got his eyes dialated.. but everything is ok.. Just thru off his prephrial vision and his equilibrium, so its like he has a really bad ear ache. So got some dizzy med from workmans comp Dr.. Go to City market to get it filled.. go eat lunch come back to get it.. Oh sorry we have to get comformation from the insurance company they didn't accept it.. WTF!? Its workmans comp you HAVE to accept it Lady.. So we called CCOM back.. they called insurance.. i knew as soon as I drove him back to his jeep.. they would call.. I was right.. Get the meds.. and now were home...

I'm tired and ready for bed.. Clomid isn't that bad this month... of course i notice that side effects come after too.. mostly hot flashes! They suck. I'm having mood swings.. hahah whats new? Ok.. going to watch my olympics and go to bed.. Sorry this was long!!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm exaughsted... I don't know why been sleeping till 10! Everyday! Waking up with myself sleeping on my right arm.. so it keeps falling asleep! And now it hurts.. I think i've been sleeping like a rock! Guess thats good? BUT I'm tired! OR I could not be sleeping well hence the tiredness?

I'm cheating with lunch today and taking my frozen meal.. i'm just tired..I took my first Clomid last night.. I think I have a clomid heache. first one ever.. Not cool.. My head feels like a bubble :(

So I have an arsenal or drugs I take hahah I take metformin, clomid, geritol, folic acid, royal jelly mucinex for CM, fish oil and l-lysine! Yikes ahah I'm a walking cabinet need drugs? I got it Hahah Not really but it feels like it!

I so have to get ready for work.. I think I will take a B-12 to get some energy.. Blah Off I go!!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

I hate cramps.. they are horrible.. if i knew I was preg then that would be one thing.. But i'm NOT so I have to suffer and feel like a stuffed pig.. Blah.

Well good news since we have extra money I have the option to go see an RE.. But we are trying to figure out what to pay off next.. before we should go see the RE .. So we are thinking what will be our next plan of action...

Meanwhile.. Danny got a call from recuriter.. saying something new about the credit this.. Don't tell me you have to have all debt paid before joining.. AHHH that would SO SUCK.. So I hope its good news he gives him.. he has to call back in an hour.. Please God don't let it be bad..

I'm really tired all of a sudden and Ina on Food Network is making penut butter and choc brownies and they look SOOO good..!

Grocery shopping after work.. Think I'll get my seeds tonight too.. gotta plan and see what I want in my garden this year!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In a slump...

So I think I really need to loose my mother said.. So I can give her granbabies.. Well I've lost about 10lbs..and its slowly creeping back up after keeping it off for about 6 months.. I just don't know what to do.. Make me want to go back on Birth control because my weight stayed the same.. I was anywhere between 165 and 170 for 3 years. I now weigh 225 at 5'1... What happened you asked? I met my wonderful hubby.. we ate and still eat out alot.. I gained 60lbs.. and i'm miserable.. I think alot of it is because I'm comfortable with Danny and he loves me no matter what.. even when I ask him how can you love someone as big as me?

I just can't get the motivation.. Yes I know I should loose the weight for my health and for the fact I want kids... I just can't get up an do anything.. Now Danny has lost 83 lbs just to join the military.. Which is awesome.. and he's hot now.. And I'm not.. I am miserable I will admit it. I think part of it is because I have no one here to do it with me... Yes I have my mom.. we did weight watchers together .. But she is like an hour and ahalf away.. I work 40hrs a week so does she plus.. I work swings and she works days.. our days off are completly opposit of eachother.. So.. this sucks.. Guess I need to revaluate somet stuff... 60lbs seems like a HUGE amount to loose when I look at it... scary actually. Thought about the biggest loser hahah but I know I would never get accepted! But I can dream.

Oh also I have an elyptical machine and the Wii Fit..and work out tapes.. I just don't do them.. I guess you can call me lazy..everyone else does.. Maybe I'm depressed? No idea.. I just don't want to do anything.. and I will never go on anti-depressants because.. You can never get off of them. So thats my oppinion on that. Ok.. enough ranting almost Olympic time! Which makes me miss Figure skating when I was little!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

I love Greys Anatomy.

This show is so funny and awesome and Danny doesn't understand :P. I think its cause I like Drama haha even tho I hate it in real life.. Good thing I don't get alot of it.

So we have freed up almost 175 dollars so that we can go see an RE hopefully! Waiting to see how this meps things go and when he might be going to basic before we go to any appts! I'm pretty excited :)

As far as my 2ww goes.. its going slow.. about the only weird thing so far is as of yesterday I feel like i've been sucking on a bag of sunflower seeds.. and my mouth tastes all metaly.. its sucks...

Now on to rant about how expensive everything is getting.. I was pricing everything in Garden Center.. Got to the Solar lights.. they came out with some new High Output brighters ones and for 2 .. TWO solar lights.. 50 bucks.. I don't get.. No one in their right might should spend 50bucks on 50 bucks on 2 lights.. Thats insane.. and let alont 698 dollars on a patio set to match them..

Wal-mart is getting rediculous with pricing.. They Bring in high dollar merchandise when they cut our hours? Don't bring in high dollar crap and you might not have such low morale from hours being cut. Its gay. Wal-mart is supposed to save you money and live better.. Umm 698 dollar patio sets.. DON'T save you money. Oh also In grocery.. you can buy name brand canned veggies for cheaper than GV brand.. Crazy huh? Yeah well at least its that way at my store..

Mangement also sucks at our store.. But I'm not going there! Gotta watch one more Greys then get ready for work :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Been a Few days!

Been kinda busy.. had 3 days of general cramping.. hope something acutally worked.. Had a great birthday.. But I think I may have killed my chances.. got jumbled around and tickled to death... and took a sudafed and prilosec.. Ugh.. I might as well be a medicine junkie! ARGH I hate allergies and heart burn! Also now wondering if my nasal spray will do anything..

Also we have only danced 3 times after said ovulation... 1 day before and 2 days after.... Been to tired to acutally enage in it.. Not even and B-day booty.. oh well I said maybe tonight... But i'm tired..

Have to get up early to go to Springs to see recruiter and get Bailey from Mom and Dads they are going to Florida to visit sister, brother in law and granbaby..So i get stuck with 2 dogs.. and it will be muddy. Awesome. Its still snowing.. drive is going to suck tomorrow.. Ew.

Really tired.. and its only 10 wtf? Didn't do anything today! ugh! Oh well need to get up early anyways! Made bannana bread.. now gotta take clothes out of dryer and washer and put last load in. Night!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This morning went by fast! Woke up around 7 with an annoying cramp on my right side.. then spread thru my entire lower abdomen.. I hope its just gas or something.. I did get a Pos OPK this morning WOO!! I just wonder if the eggs actually release on there own.. I hate thinking of things like that I can't change it.. Seeing as how i'm not seeing an RE.. I'm going blind here! BLAH Maybe soon.. The closest one is 35 miles away..and will cost me 50 bucks a visit not to mention if I need meds or anything... Stress.

Other than that.. not much going on. Guess thats a good thing.. really need to sew curtians before Sunday.. I'm almost 24.. omg i'm old hahah

Off to get ready for work!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So i've had headache all day.. don't know why.. I hate headaches! In other news hahah. I've been crampy all day, more so than yesterday.. Usually its just one day so.. good or bad? Going to say good haven't had severe cramping like last month.. I wanted to die.

So my opk was darker than yesterday but not Pos and took another one this afternoon and was darker than this morning. So I think I will O soon, so we did the Baby dance.. and it was very uncomfortable.. and painful.. ugh. But I will survive, seeing as how not doing it will not produce a baby.

Our show is still an hour away! So i'm catching up on DVR'd shows .. all day.. Hahah Lazy day today! And.. my head hurts.. I think I will take a tylenol or something... GAH but at the same time I don't want to jix anything.. implantation being one of them. Stress stress stress!! I don't want to stress.. I was doing great but now not so much!
