Monday, June 18, 2012


I Finally started my period on Tuesday.. Dr. Murray wouldn't be in on Thursday so I went in on Wed for blood work and u/s. My AFC is 21! Which she said it just about right!! So that's good! Danny had some blood drawn too hahah!

So today I had my saline u/s done.. Um. Ow. I had my pap done at the same time so.. I think that irritated my cervix. So as soon as she tried to do my mock transfer my cervix said HELL NO. *insert pain* It wouldn't let anything in.. my IUI's were always so easy! She didn't know what was going on. So she let me rest for about 10 min.. and switched speculums.. went in like a glove. So she took note of that.. the saline felt like horrible cramps. BUT everything looks great! The feds need to hurry up so I can call Jodi and tell her we will be starting with my next cycle.. fingers crossed.

PS: I told my uterus to get baking since its such a perfect lady oven.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Still waiting...

Yep.. My period was due the 3/4th.. its now the 9th.. GO FIGURE. Life is just going by.. kind of in a lull right now.. everything seems so monotonous. Danny is just in a holding pattern waiting for his official hire call for the Feds...  We're both pretty stressed with all this change.. and waiting for IVF to get going. It seems we're never home.. but its kinda of self induced.. the last thing I want to do is clean my house LOL.We're only home long enough to do some dishes.. and my laundry on the weekends.. Last weekend was nice tho.. it was beautiful

 We took Rocky and Wrangler to the River so Rocky can get the lay of  water :) need to take him somewhere where he can SWIM. There isn't many calm spots on the river.. and not many lakes around here. Everything is going well with him.. but I don't feel like I can get much done.. because I have to watch his every move.. the only time I'm not is when I'm working out... he's in his kennel.. for 20 min.

That.. is NOT going well.. I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.. and have barely lost any weight since starting weight watchers over a month ago.. and since starting the work out.. what gives?? When I actually give it a go.. nothing works. Ugh.. I'm getting super frustrated.

I guess tomorrow its opening weekend of the Renaissance Festival. I asked Danny if he wanted to go he said sure.. but I'm not comfortable leaving Rocky in his crate for 8 hrs yet.. he's still to young. So..needless to say Rocky and Wrangler will be spending that day at that way he doesn't freak out.. he still has big brother there. So hopefully a day of relaxation.. well as much as you can get walking around LOL and some fun :)

Right now.. I'm tired.. I wish it was time for Danny to get home.. I'm tired of smelling fire's at night.. its horrible for my allergies...

Here's some recent Pics :)
 What did I do?