Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Oi I just barely ate anything for lunch! Had few spoonfulls of potatoes and peas.. and like 5 chips( healthy I know) And i'm FULL! Only thing I had for breakfast was a bananna and my vitamins..Which I found one that acutally gives me energy to do stuff! Woo! Just have to take extra folic acid with it, but its small and doesn't taste bad like the other.. Ew. That is why I hate vitamins.. they taste HORRIBLE if they touch your tounge... Blech.

Not looking forward to the Ovulating pains I will experience in the next few days.. If i'm like the last 2 cycles I will ovulate Monday or Tues.. perfect Timing hahah, We're off those days ;) ... I am having some serious hot flashes this cycle.. Oi.. This sucks!

Ok... need to do some dishes before work.. I still feel like I ate an entire meal.. I don't know whats going on there.Ugh.


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