Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I have a tension headache today.. and my eye won't quit twitching.... Really Annoying...Not to mention I'm hungry..and I just ate.. WTH?

Yesterday was super stressful...probably hench the headache today.. Well I HATE drawn out.. changes to your life.. Just get it over with and start it, is how I work!... Danny went to recruiter yesterday hoping to sign papers.. Didn't happen.. Oi.. Has to have medical paperwork saying He does not have Active TB.. When he was 9 he popped a posative on his TB test...but took all the meds and everything and has clear lungs.. so he supposedly just carries the germ? Yeah.. complicates the issue.. Has to be approved by MEPS Dr.. if he's not sure has to go to Surgeon General in Tx... Joy So I'm hoping and praying that everything goes ok NEXT monday.. he's starting paper work and everything.. And that is my planned Girls day :) I miss my Kayla!!! Being grown up sucks sometimes! Anyways.. We went had Lunch at Culvers and then went to Babies R us Looking at stuff for Gideon ;) Want to buy one of his big items so mommy don't have to as they are looking to buy a new car and every little bit helps!!

As to say.. it was complete tourture... I have Bedding picked out...have for a while and everything that goes with it.. all we really need furniture wise is a Changing table.. and basically all the necessities, stroller etc. OI.. I'm horrible I want to be a mommy so bad!

Anyways.. last night was horrible also.. Was just stressed.. cause we found out that he has to have 6 jobs picked out. And is NOT garunteed his first choice... wish he was ... But thats a choice i'll just have to live with.. I just don't want to move A BUNCH and I don't want him to be delpoyed a ton 6 months in one year is fine.. and I know he will have to do TDY's and some remotes which can be up to a year.. Ugh.. Its SO different when you start this as a couple... and not just marry into it..which I said I would never do and so did Stacey ;) BUT the benifits SO out weigh the bad.. SO its worth it. Like the guy said yesterday the worst job in the AF is better than the best job in the civilian world or something like that.. You have a steady pay check and benifits and don't have to worry about not having anything and can live a good life.. And maybe i'll get to be a stay at home mom :)

OK gotta got to work..ew its Monday...~Nicki

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