Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So i've had headache all day.. don't know why.. I hate headaches! In other news hahah. I've been crampy all day, more so than yesterday.. Usually its just one day so.. good or bad? Going to say good haven't had severe cramping like last month.. I wanted to die.

So my opk was darker than yesterday but not Pos and took another one this afternoon and was darker than this morning. So I think I will O soon, so we did the Baby dance.. and it was very uncomfortable.. and painful.. ugh. But I will survive, seeing as how not doing it will not produce a baby.

Our show is still an hour away! So i'm catching up on DVR'd shows .. all day.. Hahah Lazy day today! And.. my head hurts.. I think I will take a tylenol or something... GAH but at the same time I don't want to jix anything.. implantation being one of them. Stress stress stress!! I don't want to stress.. I was doing great but now not so much!


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