Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm exaughsted... I don't know why been sleeping till 10! Everyday! Waking up with myself sleeping on my right arm.. so it keeps falling asleep! And now it hurts.. I think i've been sleeping like a rock! Guess thats good? BUT I'm tired! OR I could not be sleeping well hence the tiredness?

I'm cheating with lunch today and taking my frozen meal.. i'm just tired..I took my first Clomid last night.. I think I have a clomid heache. first one ever.. Not cool.. My head feels like a bubble :(

So I have an arsenal or drugs I take hahah I take metformin, clomid, geritol, folic acid, royal jelly mucinex for CM, fish oil and l-lysine! Yikes ahah I'm a walking cabinet need drugs? I got it Hahah Not really but it feels like it!

I so have to get ready for work.. I think I will take a B-12 to get some energy.. Blah Off I go!!


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