Saturday, May 29, 2010


The past few days here in Good Ol Canon City.. have been a scorcher....Not cool. My Swamp cooler is not hooked up.. Some of you are probably wonder what the heck it is.. Well here in Colorado ther is little to no Humditity... So.. AC.. dry out the air even more! Swamps work more effiecently :)We pretty much rebuilt ours last year ( another bounus) Cheap to fix!

I did break down last night when Danny came home.. I made him put the Window unit( AC) in.... it was 85 degrees in my house.. Cooler OUTSIDE than inside.. Wasn't sleeping like that. No thanks! Just so you know.. All 3 celing fans.. and windows were OPEN.. all day long.. Don't like to come home from working in 99 degree weather.. only to continue sweating in my own home. It was miserable..

Danny is on the roof as we speak.. Hooking Mr. Swampy up.. Praise the lord.. its 10:30 and its already almost 85.. Eek! I don't like living in Colorados Bannana Belt!!!

Don't have to work till 3 Today WOO!


Monday, May 24, 2010

So yeah...

So... She decided to show up.. while we were going to get my jewlery checked and getting Danny a new ring :) I went to the bathroom.. and i'll be damned.. of course.. I have NOTHING.. and my mom doesn't have anything anymore.. because she doesn't get this fun thing once a month anymore.. Lucky haha. Oh and the best part.. new undies too.. Lame.

yeah.. just as I was starting to get some libido back.. maybe thats what triggered her. Hey she wants to jump on her husband later today.. lets show up!... ARG!

Anyways.. got Danny a new ring... they got some pretty new jewlery its VERY bright colors!! So pretty and mezmerising!! Plus the have a necklace in my birthstone.. that I finally like!!! Maybe for my aniversary ;) its.. fast approaching!

Goodnight! ~Nicki

Its Saturday for me!

Planted most of my garden, cept watermelon, cantaloupe and cucumbers :) Making a sperate box for them so they don't take over the big garden! Despite the damn wind we got it done.. Now to get ready for to go to my parents and pay some bills.. Getting my Newly used coffee table and end tables :) that will match all of my other furniture!!! Yay! Now I need a movie shelf haha.

AF is a week late.. But I figure i'm not preggo.. Granted my sugars all over the place and im having weird twinges down there.. but not constant.. I think we're gonna get Danny a new ring.. Cause im tired of him not wearing one.. his is too big since loosing all the weight. SO yep... Off we go.. Need to shower first!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Break time...

So.. we decided to take a break from the whole TTC thing right now.. Its just getting to me mentally and physically.. Too much waiting for Pos OPKS.. two week waits to pee on a stick.. then waiting for AF.. Which i'm still waiting for by the way.

So.. Danny promised me that by August we will go see a Dr. I can only hope so.. Cause I feel like im going in circles.. I don't want to even try with out seeing a Dr... I feel like something else is wrong other than the PCOS.. but won't know that unless I go see a Dr.. So thats where i'm at right now..

I already feel some weight lifted knowing that next month I don't have to pee on 20 sticks just to see if I'm surging.. and that a 2 week wait won't be needed.. Now I just need to quite working so hard at work.. I come home exaughsted.. its not cool.. I never have time to do what I want when I get home. Tonight.. I worked on Gideons scrapbook.. it was nice :) Only did 2 pgs but hey its a start! I need some diff stuff that I don't have.. gotta wait till I get some extra in the bank I suppose. Right now i'm tired.. Im suprised i've made it this long after getting home! Watching August Rush? then bed!


Thursday, May 20, 2010


So.. No Positive pee stick.. But no AF either.. I don't know what to do anymore.. According to my OPKs.. I O'd on day 12 and 13.. a little to early I think. Oh well..

I'm at a loss of what to do anymore.. I feel my body is failing to work for me.. while Dannys is running all perfect. I just want to scream... I want to go see a Dr.. I know i'm still young.. But sometimes that don't mean Shit.

I keep hearing.. don't worry about it, it will happen.. You have a baby in your life now, you will spend so much time with him it will happen..

So fucking tired of that... You have no idea the pain it inflicts on couple trying to have a baby.. I've never even been pregnant.. Not once in my entire life.. not even a chemical or misscariage.. I would like to get pregnant.. I know its gonna be horrible to say thing.. but I would like to know I even get pregnant... even to have a misscariage. I'm tired.. and ready to go to bed.. So after CSI theres where i'm going...


Sunday, May 16, 2010


Busy Busy! Work was busy.. this past week was just a blur!!

At 1:48 PM on May 13th, 2010 7lbs 13oz and 21in .. My beautiful Godson Gideon Aiden entered this world.. He is SO precious. I just want to eat him up :)

She was supposed to be induced Thursday morning at 7.. well... I worked Wed night till 9, Danny got home at 1130. We laied down to bed turned the lights off.. Oh 1230? Dingdong my phone goes off.. Its Stacey... Haha I knew it! Gideon apparently didn't like the idea of being forced out :P. So around 130 after she got to Hosp she texted me again and let me know they were keepign her! So we get up get dressed get everything we needed head out the door around 2, get there at 3 haha Nice gate gaurd let us on! We got there a few min after the epidural was placed.. I have never seen a woman in labor so happy hahah!

The waiting begins.. times just CREPT by.. OMG... She was stuck at 6 for a few hours.. then was stuck at 7... haha then finally just a lip!! She only pushed for about an hour and he was here! I'm so proud of her, Her and Her Hubby made a Beautiful baby with tons of hair!! And I got to expereience the whole thing.. It was amazing.

Needless to say.. We left the Hosp at 5ish, got home at around 7.. so from 9 am wed.. to 7pm thurs.. I had maybe 30 min of sleep.. Yikes.. Still trying to catch up!!!

Coming to an end of my 2nd natural cycle.. Not to eager to POAS.. we will see don't even have one!! No symptoms of anything really.. If she shows up tomorrow No POAS.. if she doesn't I will!!

I'm scrapbooking tomorrow.. making it for Gideon :) Gotta make a trip to Hallmark store for some stuff!! This last image i'm going to attempt to attach.. is I can only imagine this is the face Danny will have when we have our own Kids... It almost made me cry.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Jeez.. Busy busy here! Working a ton.. taking care of stuff around house, going up to my parents and friends.. and making sure my flowers don't die!! AND fixing my car...

I wish the weather would just stay nice!! Non of this.. warm..then cold crap.. I hate it.. I want to plant my garden!!! Maybe finish my patio outside too haha.

Super busy at work today since tomorrow is Mothers day.. All I did was run register.. and move flowers! I'm deadbeat.. Hoping that I really don't have to go see and RE soon.. I hope this cycle is my cycle .. I'm 8dpo.. not feeling much.. But Still a little early! We found out our insurance covers half if not more of infertility treatments :) So we decided we can call the RE, knowing what they do cover and such! Exciting.. but at the same time.. we don't want to have to do so. I got my POS OPK the earliest i've ever gotten one.. CD 12.. Holy cow.. I freaked out thinking that it was too early but, ladies on the board reassured me that it was ok :) SO Just waiting.. Did the Baby dance alot this cycle which I hope Danny's swimmers were feeling frisky at the time of O!

Other news.. visited some friends on Tuesday we hadn't seen in a long while.. now I know why.. They got married 2 months before me and Danny did.. and only dated like a year? I think. And they are so headed for divorce.. we can SO see it.. its crazy... I know deep down me and Danny we so meant for eachother :) I love him to death.. But these 2 are just so NOT made for eachother.. But what can you do. I asked her their anniversary is on the 21st and what they planned on doing and she just kinda sighed.. Its like WOW really unhappy.. She doesn't want any more kids.. she has 1 daughter and he has no kids.. and when they got married she said she would have another.. and now doesn't want one.. yeah complicated.

I think thats about it for now.. off to bed.. Thank god tomorrow is Friday!
