Saturday, September 18, 2010

Well I guess...

I'm doing good after surgery... Frankly the worst part is the Gas.

So the morning of surgery I was really nervous.. of course starving. But we get there I really have to pee.. and of course the bathroom was full.. then it was full again.. I'm like I HAVE TO PEE! I just drove and hour and a half to get here.. let me pee! My mom met us there.. she was freaking out asking how many surgies he's done etc.. Well I'm pretty sure if he studied with the guy who came up with this surgery I'll be O.K.

She was pretty freaked out that I was going under.. well so was I, but i'm pretty sure i'd wake up haha. We watched the Price is right.. got my IV... OW. I do not like them.. They hurt. Why must you have a giant floppy plastic like needle drive fluid into your body? Just let me drink.. i'm sure i'd much rather have a catheter... maybe not.. just give me some depends then. It hurt the entire time.. Apparently Red heads with freckles have sneaky veins.. Thanks lady...

BUT I am thankful she got it on the first try! Last time it took 3.. Owie. All of the nurses we're VERY nice so that made it very pleasant as could be anyways..!

The scariest part was them rolling me back to the OR.. I've never had this before.. I was asleep before they took me back for my foot surgery... so that was a bit nervous.. But then I was out and awake before I knew it.. I woke up saying I forgot I was having surgery.. ha! My throat was really irritated.. so I felt like I couldn't swallow... that wasn't cool.. I kept clearing my throat and the nurse said to stop that.. Yeah right It felt good! Got some feel good meds and was off to recovery. Feeling pretty dam good!

I Could feel like I was bleeding... the lady never put a pad under me so I was all messy.. sorry for TMI. Got to recovery.. was just sleepy but wasn't feeling too much pain. Just 3 little inscions glued with derma bond.

I was feeling pretty good the rest of the afternoon.. not to hungry. I had to sleep on my back.. I HATE sleeping on my back... The gas made it hurt to sleep on my side... So needless to say I slept like Shit.

Next day was ok.. Was not hungry AT ALL.. Full feeling all day and nauseous.. Yuck. Gas bubble seemed to get worse under my shoulder couldn't nap/sleep at all.. then I developed one under my rib cage.. X_X That one sucks. It jus stabbed and stabbed.

Had a crying fit.. that made it worse! All i wanted to do was sleep... took one percocet before bed.. laid with heating pad on shoulder to attempt to sleep.. finally drifted off.. woke up at 4 took another percocet.. then woke up @ 10:30 ha! Still feel tired tho.. Only have had to take 2 Ibuprofen most of yesterday and today.. Appitite came back somewhat today.

Thats about it Moms coming down tomorrow to take me shopping. Woot :)! Only thing i wish would go away is stabbing pains in shoulder and under ribs.. They Suck.

As for having endo. I have a little bit( mom said she thinks everythin was fine because everything in the pictures was all pink) I told her of course it would be... it looks like it should be there plus she has NO idea what she's looking at.. Also One tube was kinked but came Unkinked when flushed :)! I will know more as of the 4th so untill then more waiting...Boo.


1 comment:

RachelP said...

Glad the surgery went well, and I'm sorry for all the gas and bloating pain! I've heard it was pretty obnoxious.