Friday, February 22, 2013


Pretty sure I've written about this before.. but hey its my blog :)

I keep having headaches and i'm about sick of them. I think its a sinus problem.. because its in my temples and behind my eyes.. and dizzy when I stand up to fast or turn around to fast. Ugh.. So I think I'm gonna have to go to the Dr.. Yesterday it turned into a migraine, got home couldn't sleep.. Finally took some Excedrin migraine which took the edge off so I could sleep a bit. Then I was so tired that I didn't want to get up.

 I worked out and now feel horrible. Almost like I'm running a fever ugh.. there is some crap going around work.. I don't want it :( I just ready to go back to bed.. but gotta be to work at 1 *pout*

Was gonna write some other things.. but its 11:40 and I have to go take a shower boo.

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