Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sometimes.. It just makes it all better.

Jason Aldean that is. I have CMT Crossroads with him and Bryan Adams recorded and when he sings 'Heaven'  acoustically it makes me cry and makes everything melt away. For a little while anyways.

It was a rough weekend... Honestly I don't even remember what we did on Sunday.. Or wait..we tore up our OTHER bathroom floor!! I seriously wanted to cry and yesterday I had just had enough. That stupid clog caused us an unnecessary problem.. if  we would have just rented a freaking snake in the first place we wouldn't have had this problem.. or maybe we would have?? The wax ring was like.. done like there wasn't even one there.. Every time I did dishes, ran the dishwasher or laundry it backed up into the spare tub and apparently out of the bottom of the toilet.. Yeah. I noticed the floor starting to bow and tiles cracking.. YAY.

Not cool.. It smelled SOOO musty and horrible. I finally had it.. I needed to do laundry and dishes piling up everywhere, had to be to work @ 4 am today, I told Danny to call plumbers there it was at 4pm.. Mike.. thank god he used to be a plumber. Told us.. well Danny how to cut the wood around the toilet flange so we wouldn't have to get a new one and said.. just rent a snake.. well DUH. The shit you always forget you can do.. With in the next hour the clog was gone. All was right in the world.. well sort of..

Now.. I love my husband.. but dear lord this man cannot cut a straight line to save his soul. The patch job on the sub floor.. needs to be RECUT and REDONE.. Or we will have more problems.. because nothing its supported.. on the main part of the floor.. Oh lord. I was a bad wife.. and said how horrible it looked. Now he feels horrible.. this is why he was made a mechanic. I however.. grew up with a father who did EVERYTHING.. So Danny thinks i have this perfectionist mind that everything has to look and be like everything my dad does or did. No. Not true. I was just the girl who always watched what he did and helped. My brother on the other hand.. lived in front of a screen playing games. I'm better with a saw than he is.. Hammers no so much ( I have Horrible aim).. Drills yay!

So.. yeah.. thats it in the world of the home.. Being a homeowner sucks.

On the umm..baby front?? My BBT was all out of whack.. I just quit. My temp dropped and rose 3 times! Then dropped as if my period was going to come and it never did. Been crampy on and off she's due sometime next week. So who knows anymore.. I'm about to throw it all out the window.. I'm totally at a standstill with my weight no idea whats going on.. I'm sure the I NEED SWEETS NOW week last week I had didn't help. I'm just SO frustrated anymore.. nothing ever goes right it seems.. something always comes up.. its like really?? Can we just catch a freaking break !?! I just have to laugh anymore..

Sleeping has sucked lately.. like seriously I will lay in bed for at least 2 hrs before I fall a sleep and I KNOW i'm tired.. last night was a little easier cause the pluming was resolved. One night I got 4 hrs because I just.. couldn't sleep! I tried everything before taking 2 tylenol 3s... which it still took forever to fall asleep.. OMG.  BLAH. I have to go put dishes away, get my lunch ready and take stuff out for dinner tomorrow.. Work again at 4 tomorrow.. The whole week actually.. because  I get to help set mods :) yay.


Friday, February 22, 2013


Pretty sure I've written about this before.. but hey its my blog :)

I keep having headaches and i'm about sick of them. I think its a sinus problem.. because its in my temples and behind my eyes.. and dizzy when I stand up to fast or turn around to fast. Ugh.. So I think I'm gonna have to go to the Dr.. Yesterday it turned into a migraine, got home couldn't sleep.. Finally took some Excedrin migraine which took the edge off so I could sleep a bit. Then I was so tired that I didn't want to get up.

 I worked out and now feel horrible. Almost like I'm running a fever ugh.. there is some crap going around work.. I don't want it :( I just ready to go back to bed.. but gotta be to work at 1 *pout*

Was gonna write some other things.. but its 11:40 and I have to go take a shower boo.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


So I don't know if I wrote about this on here.. but my mom gave us an awesome coffee pot a long time ago.. it has a grinder in it.. Made by Mr. Coffee! They don't make them anymore.. we thought it was dead.. cause the brew button.. well any button worked.. but the time always did.. So we figured it just pooped out.. well before I threw it out oh 5 months ago? I plugged it in.. and low and behold it worked! So we didn't get a new one.. Well guess what its doing it again..So.. I don't know if its a simple thing like last time.. as put the lid down or its just done.. LOL Good thing we have a tiny one, but it leaks coffee grounds all over the place cause we don't have the right filters hahah .. It did this the last time I wanted my morning coffee.. which I don't have everyday!  So.. I'll will try cleaning it and making sure the lid is CLOSED. I swear.

Plumbing problems.. still there.. the water that comes up smells HORRIBLE I Spent a few time scooping it out.. hoping it was just standing water..nope what ever it's backing up on to is making it smell.. When you get to plunging either the tub or toilet it leaks out the bottom of the toilet.. UGH. I do NOT need to replace another floor! Its weird cause we replaced the wax ring about a year after we moved in.. I can't see why it would have gone bad so fast! But we have a plan.. (Can you tell we REALLY don't wanna call a plumber??) we are gonna replace the ring on the toilet.. again.. and while its off danny is gonna run the snake.. and or we will pour this gel cleaner down the hole lol. I still think danny is gonna have to try to get under the house haha.

I worked out yesterday.. and Jillian kicked my ass.. I did kind of an improvised workout today.. since I woke up late. Mostly to stretch out. Plus its getting to be busy season at work where I move and lift a ton! Still gotta step it up tho! Had a Banana for breakfast, 1/2 cup mini wheat crunch (which is super tasty) and my cup of coffee! Only 5 pts for breakfast :). I've been bad about taking my medicine! The weekend always throws me off.. My metformin is in my work bag because I take it after dinner. Whoops.

Gotta work at one all this week I think. I can't remember lol. But excited to work. because we will be setting the new mods soon!! So exciting! Means spring and summer are coming around the corner!

Ugh.. SO I added a Disney Ticker.. and then me and Danny after our 4 hour grocery shopping trip.. ! Thought.. what happens if we get pregnant.. I can't go.. I said.. if we got preggo this month or next.. it would be cutting it close.. then I was thinking.. should I do more IUIs? I really don't want to have to go thru the intermittent leave paperwork again.. it ends in June. I hate all the hypothetical questions you have to ask.. SO frustrating! I think i'm gonna stick to my plan.. if by some chance we get preggo this month or next We will have to try to change the dates.. cause we've already got our flight tickets. Part of me doesn't care if I'm preggo at Disney.. I'll be buying baby stuff GALORE. Then another part it sad. Cause I can't ride the rides.. But honestly I'll be SO ecstatic that we finally have our baby on the way. But me being Miss pessimist.. says it won't even happen. Big Sigh... I'm still thinking IUIs for April, May and June depending on where my cycles fall.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Sometimes I look forward to them and sometimes I don't... Lately I have been because work is just something I do during the week, even after having 5 days off I was soo looking forward to go back! Then.. you get there and remember why I was excited to have days off LOL. I just do my 8 and go home.. I don't stress out like I used to saying oh I forgot to do this.. or I didn't get this done.. I'm only one person and can only do what I can do! Unlike some of my other co-workers who worry about that place 24/7, no thanks!
  Times I like being at work .. When we start getting new stuff in for the new season! I work in the area everyone wants to be ;) and I don't plan on moving! Garden Center is AWESOME!  I do love where I work.. its the whole micro management thing I hate!  We are getting everything in for Spring.. and of course its BEAUTIFUL outside today!! Just makes me so excited :)!

  So.. On a not so fun note. Its made me kinda bummed out.. but there is nothing I can do about it.. There are 7 girls at work SEVEN pregnant.. all due around the time I would have been.. Seriously.. I must have some sort of vendetta around me. Ugh.. And then to top it off.. Everyone is still telling me to relax.. like seriously?? I didn't know not trying wasn't relaxing? My OPKs I found.. they are bad.. So I was like eh whatever.. not important.. I'm taking my BBT.. but so not at the same time everyday.. I think i've ovulated.. but my CM is so not corresponding.. So eh if it happens it happens.. I'm thinking end of April, May  we will call and start on the run for IUI's again. So until then.. we are just living life.. plain and simple not trying. Also.. Kae says she is going to try and help by researching some stuff about infertility.. Seriously? Pretty sure in 4 1/2 years of this... i've read just about everything. End Rant.

So.. still having plumbing problems..The clog has just migrated.. so now when I do the dishes.. this horrible nasty smelling water backs up into the spare tub. Ew. Gotta get root killer.. its some pretty powerful stuff LOL and hope it moves el cloggo.

Got our fed money back.. and ordered our flight tickets! So exciting! Gotta tag the ford now.. and get a new windshield for my car. And then.. who knows lol... I do know we need to go Grocery shopping!  Danny should be home in and hour.. and we gotta go up to Springs so I can return a few things. Thats about it in our neck of the woods!!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

One of these days...

We will go a year with out any problems what so ever... Like Seriously..

We did our taxes.. not as horrible as I expected.. we will be getting almost 1800 back from feds but we owe the state 1227 dollars.. Thankfully we still have money  in savings..as of lately i'm shocked we still do! The money woes continue.. But looks like we will be going to Disney which I can say.. makes me happy!

We are still living pay check to pay check.. its getting really old.. We were doing awesome until I decided hey lets take out a loan to have a baby. Which granted if we didn't have the 18,000 something in medical.. we'd owe over 3 grand to the feds eeek!! But it just seems like that is killing us.. but hopefully selling the Jetta to Megan and taggin the truck will save us some on insurance. I dunno it can go either way.. suck.. or be really good. We will find out soon.

Danny is under the house right now fixing our bathtub drain.. as it seems to have come loose.. The past few days we thought it was just a simple clog.. OH NO.. Can't be SIMPLE. The tub was backing up and draining super slow and then the toilet wouldn't flush and drain real slow then gurgle. In fact all the drains in our master bath gurgled. So.. Danny said the drain was half on half off... Guess we should really have someone come do something with our tub so it quits sinking. Pray this fixed the problem.

I swear.. we have endured so much in the 7 years we've been together.. I don't think there is anything we can't handle... countless heartbreaks, numerous household problems, car problems, family problems.. you name it we've probably been there.

As far as the whole weight loss goes.. i'm at a standstill not doing any better and not doing any worse.. I bought some Hydroxycut gummies.. because I had a 5.00 coupon... they are HORRIBLE! I think i'm going to take them back.. they taste so nasty. Ugh..

All of my labs came back except my AMH. Everything is normal.. go figure.. So I do not have PCOS.  Kinda made me mad.. My mom asked why I didn't go to my regular Dr and have them done.. I'm like um I want to know why I can't have babies! She asked why they did my thyroid.. I was like cause it can cause infertility issues.. Ugh.. So.. Here I am.. still no answers.. Guess I can only pray that the meds are helping where they need to.

I had more to write.. but of course i've forgotten it all LOL.. So.. More later.. maybe :)


Saturday, February 2, 2013


It always seems like we get screwed over in everything.. Danny looks like he will have to change his taxes because they are screwing him out of money.. guess thats what happens when you work for the federal gov't.. His check should have been around 1200.. instead it barely made 1000.. So either they screwed up his check by saying he worked days or taxes are screwing us.* -- They did screw up his check.. They didn't include night differential!!!

I'm terrified to get taxes done.. because it has probably thrown us into another tax bracket by pulling his retirements and doing the whole medical things..Soo.. also dunno who to do it.. H&R Block... or a CPA ?? BLAH. *-- April said her taxes were easy to do on Turbo Tax.. so we're gonna give it ago..since it walks your thru everything.

Oh .. well can't say good note.. I had to change my work schedule today because AF FINALLY showed after being 10 days late. So Day three is on SUNDAY go Fing figure! So I have to have day 2 lab work.. which of course is today.. so I have to run up to Pueblo.. and get blood work done.. Only good thing is I get a belgian waffle for breakfast because i'm fasting.. :)

I'll add more later but gotta go right now!!

So.. Saturday totally did no go as planned.. We go to the place around 8:20 then sat there for about 50 min.. there was only 2 people ahead of me.. WTF!? Only one lady doing paper work AND the blood draws.. Holy hell. So..  I was going to be late anyways and did not get my belgian waffle *pout* I got a McDs Hot plate.. which is really hard to eat in a car by the way. I ended up at work 30 min late.. and then the day went to hell from there.. it was SOOO Busy at work first of the month and super bowl are not a good combo!

Now I wait for the results.. I'm sure she will call and tell me my cholesterol is high, I hope something else sticks out.. So I can get it fixed.

Going to try and get that scrap book done today... just to get it out of the way and done with!

Rocky has eaten trash on way to many ocassions.. including last night UGH. You can tell he doesn't feel good.. which will probably lead to throwing up later.. which Is really hard for me to clean up because I will in turn throw up too! So all trash is OUTSIDE of the fence until we get something made to enclose is.. apparently lids don't stop him..

Well off to do something productive today.
