Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I am going to attempt a weight loss experiment.. Going to start with Just eating the recommended serving that is listed on what I eat.. while staying a little under 1900 claories a day.. Since I've already eaten today with out looking hahah! ( it says that if I stay at a certian amount of calories I'll loose about a 1lb a week, which is healthy :) )

I'll start tomorrow! And then If that doesn't go to well.. I'm going to buy a new weight watchers calculator.. because sadly mine has lived its last breath :( BUT I can get a used one for 25 bucks!! SCORE! Instead of like 40.. Thank you Stacey and ladies on my fourm that you can get the same stuff cheaper online :) Woot!

Can you tell i'm excited? Also need to start getting up and working out.. even if its for only 10 Min.. i'll work my way up.

ALSO going to look into herbal supplements for boosting fertility or possibly balancing out hormones :) I know of about 3 evening primrose, bee pollen and royal jelly. SO That is that..

I am finally getting motivation to get this ball rolling.. I would like not to set a goal for myself BECAUSE then I feel like I can't do it.. Whatever I lose I lose! To me this is realistic, because I always think goals are hard and unatainable.. thanks to my negative nature. Boo.

Danny hates that.. Hahah I always tell him we can't plan for things and such cause you never know what will happen or come up etc. Same thing with attempting to loose weight.. It would be awesome to have someone close by to try this with.. but hate to admit it... I don't Oh well! I will trudge along on my own.. Tomorrow starts a fresh start.. and I hope somewhere along the way a Baby will pop in !


1 comment:

RachelP said...

Sounds like a good plan. I lost 63 lbs on weight watchers and swear by that plan. If you stick to it, it works great! Good luck!