Saturday, May 22, 2010

Break time...

So.. we decided to take a break from the whole TTC thing right now.. Its just getting to me mentally and physically.. Too much waiting for Pos OPKS.. two week waits to pee on a stick.. then waiting for AF.. Which i'm still waiting for by the way.

So.. Danny promised me that by August we will go see a Dr. I can only hope so.. Cause I feel like im going in circles.. I don't want to even try with out seeing a Dr... I feel like something else is wrong other than the PCOS.. but won't know that unless I go see a Dr.. So thats where i'm at right now..

I already feel some weight lifted knowing that next month I don't have to pee on 20 sticks just to see if I'm surging.. and that a 2 week wait won't be needed.. Now I just need to quite working so hard at work.. I come home exaughsted.. its not cool.. I never have time to do what I want when I get home. Tonight.. I worked on Gideons scrapbook.. it was nice :) Only did 2 pgs but hey its a start! I need some diff stuff that I don't have.. gotta wait till I get some extra in the bank I suppose. Right now i'm tired.. Im suprised i've made it this long after getting home! Watching August Rush? then bed!


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