Saturday, March 27, 2010


My life summed up in a nutshell right now

- I am dispising work right now.. it totally sucks like royally.. I dread going everyday.
-Almost killed my laptop again... So NOT cool.. Overdrafted a credit card.. just to fix it.. But so worth it.I was SO beyond Caring.. everything came crashing down on me like an avalance.. I was done.. just done.
-I am so tired.. and getting sinus headaches everyday for the past 3 days.. Not cool...
- I am ready for my mini vac.. even if Im spending it all at my moms.. I will not be here.
-I REALLY hope stacey's shower will go well... I cannot wait to meet my Godson.. he looks so precious on his 3d's. I will babysit any chance she lets me ;)
-I've had the sweet tooth from.. freaking Candy land.. all I want is candy or.. something sweet.. I have had today.. a doughnut.. Penut m&ms, strawberry shortcake, and I thik 5 Rice crispies.. And I wonder why I weight what I do.
-I wish I could sleep like a baby everynight.. and not wait till Danny gets home at 11 to do so.. Might just go to bed early anyways, another early day tomorrow..


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