Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Not feeling so hot.. got sick a little while ago.. I think its the orange juice..Ugh.. and I just ate again.. now not feeling so good again.. I can't win!

So far in the natural cycle i've O'ed on my own :) So i'm offically in my 2ww! Its exciting.. and nerve wracking at the same time...

Had my little mini vacation go back to work here at 2.. Had an awesome week/weekend.. did everything we wanted to do. Friday we went to Big R with my parents and got last min stuff for Baby Shower, had dinner and called it a night.
Saturday was the baby shower.. It went so well :) I'm happy how it turned out! Then that night we went to Copperhead Rd.. Um yeah hahah it was AWESOME Danny doesn't remember much.. he spent most of the night in the truck sleeping it off and getting sick ;) I had a little too much to drink myself.. But hey.. I needed to let loose! All went to Village Inn afterwards.. Couldn't get danny out of truck.. So we ate and then all went home :)

Sunday we went and saw How to Train your Dragon in 3D it was pretty cool! Then came home Chilled ate Easter dinner and then went to bed! And Monday we got me some new sneakers for work and that was about it.. drove home in a dust bowl.. wind was HORRIBLE!! Went to Jeffs for dinner yum! Slept in and Tuesday we just cleaned and chilled :)

Now i'm ready for another one..! Oh well gotta wait.. hopefully work won't be too bad today haha first day back and I have to work till 11 Ugh! And I'm not feeling good..hope i'm not getting sick.. Or if i'm preg from last cycle.. that would be ok too I never did take a test.. My stomach has been feeling really.. blah crampy, gassy and just not right..

My cat decided to jump onto my head and cut my lip and head open last night.. Thanks to the dog.. It hurt. and bled alot.. Not cool.. I take forever to heal.. Not like i need more scars to add to the collection on my face...

Guess I need to get ready for work.. and the wind needs to stop blowing.. its been blowing since like Saturday.. Argh!


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