Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 20 and 21

 Day 20 - Discuss how you found your way into the ALI ( Adoption, Loss and Infertility) community, and what being part of it has meant to you – good and bad.
   I wandered into this community in August of 2008, after only 4 months of trying. Growing up I just had that womanly intuition, I call it, that I would have trouble trying to conceive. The good: Low and Behold in October 2009 we went to our first OB where I got the diagnosis that I had PCOS ( Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). I went home and googled like crazy and stumbled upon my 2nd home, Fertility Community . The ladies on there have helped me through so much, knowing that there are other couples out their experiencing what we are going through  helps me more than just having a diagnosis. Which by the way is PCOS and DOR (Diminished Ovarian Reserve) OR you could say, I came across this early today.. Not so farm fresh eggs hahah!   The Bad: Being apart of other couples lives who are enduring the pain of ALI, what hurts is the ones who get the joy of becoming parents before some other ladies.. like in my case we're still waiting for our turn and hope that it will come soon.

 Day 21 - If you had gotten pregnant that first month you started trying, how would you have been a different parent? What changes have you made to your parenting style (either current or future) in the time you spent trying to conceive?
       Well.. considering I don't have a kid.. I can't really change parenting styles? I don't have a parenting style so to speak.. But when we do have kids i'm sure we will have our issues on which way is better.. All I know is that if I have a daughter, I will tell her everyday how beautiful she is, I will never tell her she needs to loose weight.. Plain and simple. My mother does tell me i'm beautiful... but on the other side.. I am heavier and always tells me I need to loose weight.
    One thing my parents did with me and my brother I will follow when I have kids. I never had a curfew. As long as my parents knew where we were and we checked in, they never asked or said a time. (Now granted when Dating Danny the 4 am time wasn't something my mom liked) Hahah but other times I had enough common sense to come home at a reasonable hour.
  Since it has taken it so long to conceive... I feel like I will win the mother of the year award *lmao* because I see what NOT to do with kids.. and learn from people who have some awesome kids.. and get their secrets ;)  Also.. Working in retail helps.. Like.. Don't give your kids something to hold and then take it away from them because.. Oh wait we aren't buy it.. Bring your own crap. Or take the UPC off if your buying it.. then you won't have and upset child.
  I do hear alot i'm going to be a great mother.. Well Can I get my turn then??  I think I will be too.. I'm ready to put my knowledge to the test. Even tho I may not be the best diaper and clothes changer, I'm BEYOND ready and so is Danny.

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