Monday, January 21, 2013

Exhausted, Animals and a Floor.

So.. I've been taking my supplements and metformin for almost a month. I'm not feeling any different.. The only thing I noticed was I had a ton of CM.. on no Idea what CD LOL. Which.. We haven't even had sex since the 1st week of January.. Totally been BLAH on that front. I was hoping my energy would pick up.. but it comes in spurts.. there are some days i'm like yeah lets get this done! And others i'm like do I have to do that?? I really want AF to show up soon so I can get my blood work done.. I'm SOOO hoping it reveals something...Like.. banking on it. I really hope something is making a difference...

  I'm taking 100 mg of CoQ10, 5,000 mg of Biotin (for my hair hoping it stops!) , 5,000 i.u of Vitamin D , Prenatal, and Metformin.. I take the Vit D, my Zyrtech, and 2 Biotin in the AM after breakfast.. at lunch I take 2 horsepills.. CoQ10, and Prenatal and 1 biotin.. Ugh I hate huge pills.. Dinner is the worst with 3.. yes THREE Huge metoformin pills and 2 more biotin. It only took me a week to get up to my 3 pills of metformin, didn't have any huge side effects which was nice. now lets hope its doing something. But the huge pills.. UGH. Hate. Hate it! But I will do it if it brings me closer to baby :)

Now.. As for my animals.. Rocky weighs 62 POUNDS.. Seems like a lot huh? Only he looks anorexic LOL  Guess he's a puppy full of muscle! Vet said he looks very healthy and of course is healthy :) But 62 lbs!?! His head has to weight at least 20 lol. Its empty up there hahah, such a stubborn puppy! Wrangler.. he is 6 now.. and still driving us nuts.. he's been kennel bound.. after  a long stint of not being in it. Up until we got Rocky he would only get in the trash when it was pretty much full. Now.. its EVERY TIME. So he is in his kennel until I get a new Trashcan. The Kitties.. I got them a 'diet food' It seems like they are eating it even faster than the old food!  Bean is pretty petite and very over weight, she is the only one. Hopefully it helps.

I really need to clean my kitchen floor.. I almost like carpet better.. It sucks.. I have to vacuum first.. then mop it.. Only I still push hair around!! Its SOO frustrating!! Ugh.. Haven't mopped it in a while, but have vacuumed. Dread.. I wish there was a magic machine that picked up hair and mopped at the same time.

I guess thats about it...I really want to have sex but I'm so not in the mood for it. Ugh. Stupid broken female hormones.


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