Thursday, June 16, 2011


Wahoo. AF finally arrived! In the middle of the night..I can honestly say.. that has never happened to me. What a mess... Yuck. Called the Dr.. Not doing a CD 3 u/s cause I just had one end of May. So CD 12 u/s schedualed for Monday the 27th :).. But my Dr. will be on vacation. Not cool cause I need to have paperwork filled out.. BOO! I hope she's back for my IUI tho :(

Its hot.. my swamp is SUCKING. I think danny killed it between replacing belt.. breaking bolt.. Ugh.. Its hot. I feel like i'm in Florida.. Minus the humdity.. its 8 PM and its 86 degrees... Wtf?

I'm going to bed cause It has AC in there...


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