Thursday, May 26, 2011

Off the Bandwagon...

Since the weekend.. I haven't been eating so great or exersicing.. compared to last week.. Mainly because i'm mentally and phsycially exaughsted.. So early to bed for me.. Like 10 min from now hahah! By 9 pm.. What!? That is unheard of in this household!!

Danny is getting really stressed at work.. and is brining it home agian.. I told him its got to stop.. They recently switched his Pod from regular offenders to OMI.. which are mentally ill offenders.. They think that you are constantly trying to poison or kill them.. If you tell them something they take it literally.. And he is the only Sgt in that pod.. Ugh. Its way too much for one Sgt to handle.. usually Pods have 2. He feels that if he asks to move to another pod with regular offenders.. that its failing.. Its So not. So I'm hoping he talked to his LT...
Why would they ever ask me if I want to work there!? I would totally fall apart! Working with inmates behind a door.. or in a yard.. not quite my thing.. I'm way to gullible!!

Ugh... Work sucked today! We have way to many flowers at work.. So much for looking like last year.. We'er already there!! Our Poor patio its crammed full!! They won't buy anything at full price.. they won't buy anything half off.. but god forbid.. we throw it away they want it for free? Nope, Sorry! Also.. everyone thinks that i'll throw all their plants in a bag and just let them get crushed.. What am I a guy?

Totally having a tooth problem.. Which like NEVER happens! My front left tooth has been really cold sensitive.. it sucks.. My mom being a dental hygenist looked at it and said that my gum is recceding.. Well Crap. Either I brush to hard.. My tooth is dying.. My mouth gaurd isn't fitting right or I smacked it some how and hurt my periodontal ligament.. (yeah who knew!) I really hope the tooth isn't dying :( A root canal I don't think would be fun on that... And My tooth would be bleached after that.. and I doubt would match my other tooth!! Talk about confidance killer.. I like my smile!!

Totally off to bed..~Nicki

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Well.. Boo.

We had an Awesome Sunday.. we were outside like ALL DAY. Weeding the garden, planting new rose bushes ( which got eaten by something) thats where my picture came from :)! Just got alot acomplished! Then.. Monday roles around anxious for the appt/ ultrasound.. We waited a while cause they didn't have all my blood work nor my lap report.. Argh! Had my ultrasound everything looked fantastic.. just a tiny csyt like less that a centimeter.

Got some.. not so good news I guess? My AMH level.. sucks.. its on the low side of normal at 0.99 they like to see it above 2. Basically I have Dimished Ovarian Reserve... So just doing Clomid or Femera by itself went out the window.. We will be starting with Femera + IUI.. I'm praying this works.. I'm hoping my follies will be stimulated awesomly with just Femera and not have to move onto injectables. Or.. Even IVF..

So the plan now is.. wait for AF to start (since I just had an Ultrasound Monday) She said I won't have to have one CD 3. Take Femera CD 3-7, on either CD 11-13 for a follie check... then I will be instructed to take Ovadril.. (joy) then come in for the IUI 36 hrs later. I'm super nervous.. and hope that AF comes at a decent time..

I'm worried about work.. thats another problem. I could be doomed. Ugh... I'll let you know how that goes.. Just pray the are understanding.

I'm buying some books for Me and Danny and my mom so she can understand this better.. she thinks its so easy to deal with.. that I shouldn't have any stress.

We are hoping that IUI's are super expensive.. I will know how much Ovadril is tomorrow.. she recommened a mail order pharmacy which makes it less expensive? At least she said it does.. hahah We will see.
Working out lately has been good.. lost a few lbs.. cutting down to One soda a day water or juice the rest of the time.

Just praying and hoping to get thru this and have a bundle of joy at the end..


Saturday, May 21, 2011


I hate blogger sometimes.. I had a post typed then it dissapears.. and somehow the Auto save thing.. doesn't save.. Ugh.. Will write again tomorrow I'm exaughsted!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I know its been almost a month!

But i've been busy and tired!!!

We finally got the approval for the RE.. We had our first appt on Monday. It went pretty good.. I guess. I'm not trying to get my hopes up too bad. The only thing I didn't really like was that she didn't introduce herself or vice versa. It was right to the point of the appt. She thinks i'm partially PCOS.. I told her I was diasnosed with it then Un-diagnosed.. I told her about being on Metformin and that I didn't feel it did much. She said since I am not showing signs of insulin resitance it wouldn't do much. BUT since Diabetes runs pretty heavy in my family It might help with me not getting it.

But I apparently need to get some kind of stress management.. Because this whole thing is making me really anxious, tons of anxiety attacks lately over ANYTHING and everything! Any one have any tips.. that would be awesome.

But she talked of a basic plan, but we will get a more detailed one when I get my CD3 bloodwork done. She believes I am Ovulating most of the time and if I am it just might not be a good ovulation. She did do a pelvic exam... Ow.Lets just say AF arrived right after she did that... So not cool. She said I might still have some endo behind my Cervix which may cause some discomfort when me and danny have sex when he goes deep (sorry TMI) I didn't like the sound of that.. ugh.. I don't want another surgery!!!

So thursday I go for CD 3 bloodwork.. Monday I have an Ultrasound to see if there are any Cysts or anything that might be causing the pain other than endo. Then CD21 i'll go for a Progesterone check.. FINALLY. I kinda hope this cycle is like this last one. I think I O'd on CD 15 and my cycle was only 29 days long. Woot!

I do have to stop my cholesterol Med.. as its Category X. Not exactly the best to take while TTC or prego. So good ol' exercise and good eating for me.. Boo. She said since i'm borderline I have to choice to start right away with treatments or loose weight then start.. Umm 3 years.. I'm not waiting any more i'll loose weight during treatment the best I can! And also I can choose between Clomid or Letrozole (i'm sure i spelled that wrong) I think thats Femera? Gotta google.. hahah She said we will try a couple months of either of those with TI then if that doesn't work Add IUI.. <3 that plan. She said we are a ways a way from Injectables and IVF mainly because I think I ovulate on low doeses of meds.

I'm excited but hesitant at the same time.. I did sign a release to have my records from Dr. R's office to go to her's. Yay.

I have other stuff to talk about but my head is killing me and i'm tired!!! Hope thats enough to keep you all in content ;)!
