Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm sick with a cold.. First one in a long time.. Last time I was sick was a year ago.. I had Brochitis/sinusitis... Almost pneumonia... Joy huh? That was my 2nd time with that.. This time I'm watching.. if my cough becomes mucousy.. and not productive.. i'm going to the Dr.. I do NOT want what I had last year it was terrible!! Right now i'm just stuffy.. my ears are all crackly with fluid and a can feel some mucous in my chest but not a lot.. Ugh..

Anyways.. On to what I really want to post about. I joined a fourm a little over a year ago.. Took me a bit to get up the courage to post. When I did.. it was a GREAT bunch of ladies and they we're so supportive. Sure I may no do personals ALL the time.. I do congratulate when something good happens etc. root them one with their treatments.. Then when I do my own personals.. Weather i'm feeling lousy or doing great.. I get nothing in return it seems... Which Isn't right... I don't know how to put it with out sounding like a horrible person.. So maybe i'll just hush.. Go about my ways, just read posts and continue my natural cycles( thats probably the reason I get no support...) Well you try for 3 years or more.. of REALLY trying.. and then tell me how you feel.. and how much support you would like to have and need... I really feel for the ladies who have been trying for a long time... Cause.. I'm getting up there with them.

On that front.. this month my temps are all over the place! OPKs.. I did a few then said screw it i'm not going to waste them.. what happens happens.. Temps are probably messed up cause i'm sick.. I haven't had any symptoms of O. and its CD 15.. no EWCM.. but oh well i'm not that upset.

I'm watching Bad Girls.. its funny hahah. I have nothing to do today.. plus i have no motivation due to sickness! Blargh.

It supposed to snow! We will see if Mr. Weather man is right.. the wind is picking up and temp is dropping a bit.. but not a lot of clouds! We will see :) Shows are on tonight! Plus a Jason thing on CMT.com!


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