Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Random things...

I'm bored.. since I got off at 8 I guess I could update this. Feeling a little unmotivated lately to write.. So a little bit of bullets and maybe a few sentences hahah! Oh and it will probably be all over the place!

~Rocky is turning into such a good boy :) I sat on the floor the other night and didn't get mauled! Except for being Licky Mc Lickerson. He must lick everything!

~Wrangler.. is turning into Mr. Old and Senile...! He is starting not to listen anymore and thinks that he can do everything brother can't.. Dork. Sorry buddy equal treatment here hahah!

~The Kitties.. are being the kitties..not much to report on them!

~ We started cleaning crap.. I was just over it! Everything we were keeping got boxed up and put in the closet, if it wasn't it got sold or thrown out! We got rid of the desk... we just didn't use it. It was huge and bulky.. we can get another if we need one.. although it will be smaller LOL!

~Our couches.. we hate them.. No more squishy couches in this house! Looking at a sectional.. this one is already falling apart and springs are coming out! UGH. Not impressed. New couches and a recliner are in our future.

~Officially done with One Main Financial!

~Disney World 2014 is a GO! We are praying that a munchkin gets to go to!! We will not be purchasing a dining plan this time around.. saving for all food purchases :) looks like it will be the way to go because we will have a full kitchen in the room so breakfast will be eaten there! Except maybe one day.. I will have Mickey waffles ;)

~Probably going Monday to get Finger prints and background done :) ! Need to finish our autobiographies too.

~Umm.. I've gone a little crazy.. With buying things LOL.. We have a crib.. $79 bucks.. down from 168.. And its convertible! Convertible car seat.. was 99 bucks.. got it for 40!! (its for the truck) Got our Travel system (stroller and carseat and base) with BRU trade in event! So on sale there too! Crazy! And other things.. clothes.. and a diaper bag :). Trying not to feel guilty about it.. I know I shouldn't.. but its WEIRD.. Like SUPER DUPER WEIRD!

~So ready to get the new shed up.. looks like we may have a few weeks *crossing fingers* of nice weatehr ahead!

So anyways.. can't remember if I mentioned.. the girl who went with us on our first appt with DHS. Did I mention she was crazy?  She was totally going to do this for the money and just show off the kid..I wanted to smack her.. OH.. and she wanted to get preggo at the SAME TIME!!!! Did I mention she's single? I just didn't understand.. like make my brain hurt. She said we should do our baby showers together.. I was like Um NO. I've waited this long to have one of my OWN.. you are not sharing in that! Tons of people are so happy for us and all want to throw me a shower! Everyone is so happy for us, which makes me feel so loved and overjoyed :).
   Yesterday.. she came up to me and said that she is leaving May 1st and is getting married May 9th. Umm.. Ok? Apparently she is getting back together with her ex boyfriend. She told me she was sorry she couldn't do foster to adopt with us.. (SIGH OF RELIEF) but she doesn't know why she would want to parent some other persons kid anyways... <<< EXACT WORDS. Seriously. Wow really? BUT you are going to be a step mom.. Um can we say calling the kettle black? She is just ALL over the place.. and today she is all i'm getting cold feet yadda yadda.. Of course you are because you have no idea what you want!  She says he's going to give his answer on Saturday.. so umm.. you proposed? She doesn't want to 'uproot' her self and move all the way to Alaska, but yet she loves him..  OMG.. its all so crazy.. She is so self centered and selfish.

Me and Danny have tried for so very long and wanted this so much.. We feel so very blessed having this wonderful support system and cannot wait for our journey to end with a munchkin in our home and hearts!

I guess she sounds crazy to me.. because we know what infertility it is.. and what it means to go thru it.. we still are, but we are at a different place now.  I probably sound horrible for saying this.. but she just isn't meant to be a mom.. She offered for be a surrogate.. just so she could help her self with her enodmetriosis. To me.. she just wants to be a mom to say she's a mom.. Me and Danny want to give  a child unconditional love and teach right from wrong and give compassion to other people and many other qualities you teach a human being.

That is all for now.. sorry its kinda long.. guess I had a lot to say :)


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