Friday, January 17, 2014

Nitty Gritty.

So.. lets get there.. down to the nitty gritty. We pretty much jumped in head first.. we had talked about it.. but a girl at work gave us the final push!

We are going to become certified foster parents with intent to adopt! Or you could just say Fost-adopt parents :)! We know its going to be a long road, but I don't think it will be as long as the one we're on now. We had a 2 hr. meeting yesterday with 2 DHS ladies, who were so nice! Needless to say it was  like brain overload and I had a huge headache ALL DAY.  I just wanted to sleep.  We got all the paper work to start filling it out and all the classes we need to do.. just have to set some up.

We decided we want just infants ( of course) Maybe later down the line a little older. I don't think we will do anything older than 2. So now..its a whirlwind to get everything we need together! She of course said it can go as fast and slow as we want it. Which is good lol. I'm going to try and stay grounded and keep myself together and not freak out going OMG this needs to be done etc.

So.. I've been looking at baby furniture and all the necessitates we will need to start.. (I'm sure i'll go over board) That's just my nature! The front and back porch are the first things to be done because of course they are SAFETY hazards.

Storage is another biggie I need a storage system in the cats room, were going to sell the huge computer desk and a few other things.

On the phone with my momma so i'll write more later :)


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