Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Life with a puppy....

Is tiring.. Oh how 5 years makes a difference. What a difference life with 2 dogs make! I think we need to splurge on dog training.. I'm afraid Wrangler is not getting the attention he needs and is going to start some horrible behaviors.. and Rocky.. well he needs some manners! I feel so lost on puppy training! I can't train with him because Wrangler has to be RIGHT there.. and Rocky wants to eat my hand off with the treats in it.. Oi VEY! Of course Rocky wants to eat everything in sight lol. He has it out for my Old Navy Flip flops. So they are now away hahah. Anything Wrangler has Rocky wants and vice versa. Yeah... thats the most annoying.

Me and Danny are tired lol even tho he's sleeping thru the night.. wake up time is 545 am. The cats are adjusting well.. lol Bean likes him just she does Wrangler so that makes me happy! Doc and Volt still aren't sure haha. I swear Baby and toddler all mixed in one hahah just running around with him keeping him outta stuff is enough to drive you bonkers! I'll leave you with some pictures! I'll have a garden update soon :)

 Wrangler and Rocky when we first brought him home.. See all their toys? Spoiled :P
 Danny and Rocky.. He is a pretty mellow puppy.. well was LOL
 Wrangler warming up to him :)
 Finally getting along and playing like champs!
 Lazy puppy! ( I got a new camera Its awesome with color selection!)
Oh yeah.. Can you see the Holy Terror look in his eyes ;)


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