Monday, December 9, 2013

The Holiday season.

I'm going to attempt to throw together a blog post. Lets just put it this way.. These past few months has been a whirlwind! Every since October its like it hasn't slowed down!! I haven't felt much like blogging.. because there really hasn't been much to blog about.. Other than the fact me and Danny are trying to work on getting back to where we were.

While he did his first year at the feds his schedule was all over the place. We rarely had the same days off.. I got used to being by myself and just letting Danny take care of the bills.. while I took care of the house.. We both got complacent where we were.. so when we did spend time together, all we did was argue and bicker.. We were both at our wits end.. and one point.. I was just so frustrated and done.. I mentioned a horrible word.. I regret it now. We both needed to take a step back and asses what was happening. We are doing a lot better now, snapping is starting to subside and we are thinking before we just bark at each other and have calmer 'converstations'. We still have a ways to go but we will get there!

As for baby making.. I wanted to try naturally again.. BUT Of course schedules and timing is never right.. I tried really hard month before last.. of course nothing occurred. We're just living right now enjoying things.. of course it sucks.. but right now we can't do anything.. so we just are right now.. and that's it on that... We will just keep doing what we're doing!

The holidays have approached SO fast.. since Thanksgiving was so late this year it has just has creeped up really fast.  Almost all my shopping is done, thankfully we aren't going all out this year.. well maybe with Danny LOL.

I'll call that good for now.. Hopefully to update more later.. Danny just got home with dinner :)

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